Pelvic Health Physiotherapy for Men can help them strengthen their pelvic floor muscles to better support their pelvic organs and bodily functions. On the other hand, it can also help loosen tight pelvic floor muscles and provide relief from pain and tension promoting healthy bowel and sexual function.


Some of the reasons why men may experience pelvic pain include:

Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome (CPPS) has a worldwide prevalence average of 10% and is the most common urological disease in men below 50 years old. It includes inflammation of the prostate gland for more than 3 months with associated pelvic pain and urinary dysfunction.

Prostatectomy or Post Surgical Rehab usually indicated for prostate CA or an enlarged prostate.

Other factors that can lead to pelvic floor dysfunction in males include but not limited to obesity, constant heavy lifting, age, constant coughing, high impact exercises.


Some examples of pelvic floor symptoms that a Male Pelvic Health Physiotherapist can help with include but not limited to:

  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Pain in the groin, genitals, rectum, or low back
  • Urinary incontinence such as trouble holding in your urine, leaking after a cough, or dribbling
  • Fecal incontinence such as trouble holding in stool, discharging after a cough


A typical exam will include:

  • A thorough questionnaire prior to your visit to prepare the examining therapist for your 1st visit
  • It will include a thorough external examination of movements that will challenge your pelvic floor to gather baseline data for strength and range of motion. If you’re comfortable and ready for it, your physical therapist may perform an external exam of your genitals, perineum and anal region. Note: This isn’t always necessary during your first visit. Once you are ready to move forward, your therapist will show you models of the human body and explain each step of the evaluation.
  • If deemed necessary, an internal exam may be recommended requiring your consent and can be ended at any time based on how you are feeling. The internal exam is conducted via the rectum to thoroughly exam the pelvic floor muscles. This can provide important information for you and your clinician and the referring provider that will allow the physiotherapist to conduct a more patient specific plan of care.


If you or someone you care about would like more information about whether a physiotherapist trained in Male Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy is the right service to try, please do not hesitate to call our clinic and ask to speak with the trained physiotherapist @ reactive health – Stratford, 902-370-2327.